Applying for MPhil
Our MPhil programmes aim to equip students with the skills to design, research and write an MPhil to the standard expected by the ¹ú²úÊÓƵ.
An MPhil normally requires 2 years of full-time or 4 years of part-time study. Your MPhil should demonstrate your ability to undertake an appropriate research programme and to produce a critical analysis of existing knowledge in your field of study.
The Application Process
Finding a Supervisor / Project Idea
All applicants wishing to study towards an MPhil with no intention to progress to PhD will need to apply with a proposal that you have developed yourself. To do this, please use the MPhil and PhD course pages which can be found here and select ‘Research Areas’ to find potential supervisors or use the search bar on the ¹ú²úÊÓƵ home page.
Research Overview
Your Research Overview is a short summary of your proposed PhD project.
All applicants must submit a Research Overview.
The Research Overview should be no longer than 500 words and utilise the following headers:
- Proposed Research Title (max 10 – 15 words)
- Proposed supervisory team (for a self-funded PhD opportunity, this should be the name(s) of the member(s) of academic staff listed)
- What is the problem or issue the project will address?
- What is already known about the problem or issue from the currently available research?
- What is less clear or unknown about the problem or issue from the currently available research?
- What will your proposed research do help us understand or address the problem or issue?
- What approach, methodology and / or methods are you likely to use in your proposed research?
Once you have prepared your Research Overview, please email this to the potential supervisors, copying in
The potential supervisor(s) will give you feedback on the Research Overview.
If you are coming with your own project idea, this feedback will either support you to go forward to develop a research proposal, or not. If you are applying for one of the PhD opportunities advertised, this feedback will either support you to go forward and submit an on-line application form, or not.
Research Proposal
If feedback from one or more potential supervisors about your Research Overview supports you to go forward to develop a research proposal, you will now be in a position to develop this which you will submit alongside your on-line application form.
Applications for an MPhil will only be considered when accompanied by a Research Proposal.
Please use the Research Proposal template.
Before submitting your application on the application portal
Before you submit your application on the on-line application portal please do the following:
- Ensure that you meet our entry criteria.
- International students only, make sure you meet our English Language requirements.
- Ensure that you are aware of the course tuition fees.
- Proof read your application form and research proposal. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar and ensure you have referenced or cited consistently.
Supporting Documents
All students
- Research Overview
- Research Proposal (only for applicants coming with their own project idea)
- 2 references
- Qualification certificates and transcripts
International students only
- Certificate of English Language proficiency
- Copy of your passport (original to be seen on first day at the University)
- ATAS clearance for most science-based subjects
- If you have previously studied in the UK, your previous CAS and British Residency Permit
Please note, once an offer is made to an international applicant, the offer will be dependent on receipt of a tuition fee deposit.
Submitting your application
All of our
MPhil and PhD Programme pages have a tab called ‘How to Apply’. Please click on the relevant application link in the light blue box, depending on whether you are applying for an MPhil or a PhD, the mode of study and when you want to start your programme. This will then take you to the online application form which you must complete and attach the supporting documents.
If your application and research proposal meet our entry requirements then you will be invited to interview.
Typically, the interview is online and takes no longer than 1 hour. Your potential supervisors will be the interview panel and one of the Doctoral Programme Leaders will act as the Chair.
In the first part of the interview, you will be asked to give a 10-minute presentation where you will be asked to present your research ideas to a non-specialist audience, including the key contributions you expect to make to new knowledge, followed by 10-minutes for questions on this.
We use the main part of the interview to discuss your skills, experiences and competencies important to programme you are applying to using questions based on the EDEPI Postgraduate Researcher Competency-Based Admissions Framework. These questions focus on some of the skills, experiences and competencies important for successful postgraduate research study (comprehension and evaluation, socio-emotional and delivering results). You can read more about the EDEPI Framework using this .
The Doctoral School aims to inform applicants of the outcome no later than one week after the interview has taken place.
Start dates and application deadlines
We have two entry points throughout the year; these can be found on the course pages but are usually September and January each academic year. We encourage applicants to apply as early as possible to allow time for your application to be processed.
Our application and interview deadlines for September 2025 applications are as follows:
Application deadline S1 25/26 (all)
27th June 2025
Interview deadline International
11th July 2025
Interview deadline Home/EU
1st August 2025
Research Student Induction
15th September 2025
Teaching starts PG Cert Research methods
w/c 22nd September 2025
Our application and interview deadlines for January 2026 applications are as follows:
Application deadline for S2 25/26 International
18th October 2025
Application deadline for S2 25/26 Home / EU
4th December 2025
Interview deadline International
3rd November 2025
Interview deadline Home / EU
19th December 2026
19th January 2026
Teaching starts PG Cert Research methods
w/c 26th January 2026
Applications received after this date will automatically be considered for the following intake. Please contact if you have any questions.